
First Date

Okay, I know it's been quite a while since my last post, and a lot of things have happened. The Ex moved out June 2. When he left he took with him all of his clothes, a few of our memories and most of my confidence. But a funny thing happened after that. I slowly, surely got it back. It took a little while and a lot of Kleenex, but I have survived on my own for a few weeks now and I have officially declared myself O-K!

Don't ask me how it happened. I haven't analyzed the situation yet. It just did. It started out with the small victories...like mowing my own grass (for the third time ever in my whole life!), and running the house by myself, and not dying (yes, there were times when I thought for sure that was an absolute possibility).

But I didn't die. I survived. And now, I am moving forward.

As part of my moving forward, I had my first date. Does anyone else out there hear the word "date" and think of The Cleavers or some silly high school thing? And it was a total set-up. Like we both knew it and everything. It was kind of a relative of a friend whose sister-in-law who is my friend and also a neighbor thing. I know it's corny. But, hey, it works for me!

Now, this was NOT a blind date. I met him last weekend at a casual, pre-planned, totally staged get-together in which the sole purpose was to see if we liked each other and thought each other attractive enough to be seen together in public. Needless to say, that was not a problem. But what was surprising was how much I actually loved talking to this guy. (I know - what a geezer thing to say - I sound like my mother!) And there was something about him that made me really want to kiss him (?!?!?!?) And he's a talker, which if you haven't guessed, I love! I talked to him a couple times during the next week and then made plans for the real date last Friday.

So Friday rolled around and I went through the 2-hour ritual that is getting showered, dressed, primped, scented, shaved, etc., and then drove over to our meeting place. As I sat there waiting for him (he called and said he would be about 10 minutes late - did you catch the most important part of that sentence??? He called...), I got increasingly more nervous with each passing minute. Thought about puking, but decided it was better to hold that in. Good thing I did, too, because once I took one look at him, I was very relaxed. And happy. And wanting to kiss him again.

Our date was wonderful! As is this guy! Dinner, a walk along the water, hand-holding, a movie, sexual tension, some making out. Ahhhhh.

But let's back up a step to that sexual tension thing I mentioned. We had a whole lotta that going on. It was both totally unexpected and intense. But I held it together and for that, I am proud. We decided that it was most likely not a good idea to do that on our first date. So we are actively letting that tension grow, and build, and well, possibly eat us alive before we see each other again. Hopefully that last part doesn't happen. But just to be safe, I think we should work on seeing each other again soon!

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