
Let's Play Catch (Up)

Wow. A whole Hell of a lot of stuff has happened since my last post.

New Guy and I had several really awesome phone calls during the week and our conversations had become pretty open since our Conflict Resolution Exercise. That Thursday he asked me if I wanted to go away with him for a weekend. Well, duh! Of course I do! So I was given the task of planning that out - anywhere I wanted to go.

And then on Saturday we had our second date. Dinner and lots of talking. We even talked about our upcoming vacation. And we talked about our exes and kids and everyday stuff. And we may have discussed wanting to see each other naked :-) New Guy suggested that we "wait" until the vaca for anything requiring one or both of us to be naked to happen. And it felt like a real relationship for the first time.

Plus we did some more of that making out stuff we are so fond of. In public. With the really good kissing. (I know this is TMI - but shut up!) And somewhere along the line, things changed. They became more... what's the word??? Personal. All was right in my world.

He called me Sunday night and Monday night. I called him on Tuesday (July 3) and left him a message. Then he didn't call me back. Then nothing on July 4. Now, you know me. You know how much this type of behavior freaks me out. But I was okay with it this time since it was a holiday. I figured he was busy with his kids. No biggee. So I went to a couple of parties and consumed some alcoholic beverages and was fine. But when I hadn't heard from him by 5 p.m. on Thursday, I freaked big time. And when I freak - I shop. For this particular freak-out, I went to Kohl's for some new bedding. Hey - I need new bedding. It's just something you like to replace after a divorce, if you know what I'm sayin'. (stop looking at me like that!)

And as I was agonizing over which pattern would not have to cause me to repaint my bedroom, he called. And we had a wonderful conversation! He had an excellent explanation for his being incommunicado for the past 2 1/2 days. Without going into details, it had to do with his ex-wife being a complete psycho. He had a lot to deal with. Major stuff. He said he didn't want to make me upset or make me think it was me. And he apologized. So I put down the comforter set and went and bought cute underwear instead.

Then we continued our conversation later that night. Which has never happened before. But like I mentioned before, something clicked after that second date. And we had quite possibly the best phone conversation I've ever had. Very romantic and sweet. And personal. And it was actually spoken aloud that we are "dating" (an assumption I was afraid to jump to before). We were honestly having the best phone call ever - the kind you don't want to end. So we made plans to go to lunch the next day (Yay!).

Our lunch date was absolutely fabulous. I took along some stuff I printed from the internet regarding our little weekend vacation (forgot to mention that I booked a couple of rooms so we would have something to choose from). He was totally onboard with my plans. He picked the suite with the jacuzzi, a separate bedroom, and a full kitchen/dining room so we could cook dinner together. Yeah, I'm seeing us not really needed to be dressed during this entire thing. I may have mentioned that I bought a teeny tiny bikini for this very occassion. And we got so excited that neither one of us finished our lunch. He gave me a very nice kiss in the car on the way back to work, followed by a mini makeout session in the parking lot. Yes, I love the kissing.

I was trying to get as much of that kissing in because he was going out of town with the kids for the weekend. On his way out of the car, he said he would call me that night when they arrived at their destination. And I sat there for a minute taking everything in.

Have you enjoyed the story thusfar? I really, really hope so. Because this is where the good stuff stops and the awful stuff starts... Read on - if you dare...

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