
Half-Assed Attempt at Writing

I'm not sure I have anything to write about today. Nothing more than a whole lotta the typical run-of-the-mill everyday stuff going on. No big whoop. In fact, I am entirely convinced that if I were to write about my life today, you would all be bored to tears. TEARS, people!

However, it was brought to my attention that pulling up the blog and having to read the same ole, outdated, posts is very upsetting. A real downer. Yesterday's news.

It was suggested to me that my life and all of the pieces and parts that comprise it, changes, oh, about every hour. This is an upsetting notion. Nonetheless, I suppose it's true. And so I am setting forth, in a display of true team spirit, on a journey to provide you with my best attempt at literary greatness. This is what's new and exciting in my life this week...

First off, I had a TOTALLY AWESOME kid-free weekend, thank you for asking. It was really, really fun. MG-less, but fun. I even did some home improvement and assembled machinery. Seriously.

I left late Sunday afternoon to head back to South Bend to get the kids. I popped in the very cool Police CD that MG gave me (yes, you read that correctly), turned up the volume, and did highway karaoke all the way there. The Ex called me three times to nag me, er, I mean to find out where I was in relation to the exit. He beat me there by 20 minutes because his math skills and timing are incredibly bad. When I pulled into the parking lot, I saw three very cute mini-people and one crabby, highly-pissed off, annoyed adult. Guess who that was.

After enduring my lecture on being late (FYI - I wasn't late - I was on time. He was early.), I received a very nice shower of kisses from my middle child. You know, the one that melts my little heart (don't tell the others.). Then my daughter started crying. I was worried that she was going to cry because she didn't want to go home with me. But, alas, she was crying because her stomach hurt. Really, really bad. So I bent down to give her a hug and pat her tummy. And that's when she barfed all over the place. It was gnarly.

I cleaned her up and wiped her tears. Then I thanked her father for feeding her TWO CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKES for lunch and packed everybody into the car. Everyone was fine once we started going. Except that they were all afraid the littlest one was going to erupt again. She didn't. And we all made it home safely.

This week has been absolutely great! I have spent a few hours engaged in the really awesome, everyday, seriously flirty conversation with MG. All the while taking in and absorbing his physical gorgeous-ness. Unfortunately, we did not have any dates this week. Basketball has officially gotten in the way of our time together. I have become a basketball-widow, um, basketball-mistress-widow. Or something. Whatever.

And while we're on this subject, I feel it worth mentioning that, for some reason, we have reverted to our old ways. The flirting and stolen glances. Calls for no reason. Long conversations, dragging on and on to keep the other person in there. This has been going on ever since our "spat" last week. I'm not exactly sayin' I think this is a bad thing...I'm just stating that I think it is weird. And in my free time (HA!) I have been evaluating how I am contributing to this. Because I think it only fair to assign myself half the blame. I have gone back to my old ways, too. Such is the way it goes when you put two big, giant cowards together and try to have them conduct a normal relationship. (Did I just say "normal"? PLEASE do not email me your comments on that...I get it.)

ANYWAY. Other than that stuff, the only other major event that happened to me this week is my almost divorce from my BFF Kelly. We had a major disagreement/misunderstanding/hurtful exchange on Tuesday. And being as both of us are stubborn, jump to conclusions, and hold the occasional grudge, things got ugly quite quickly.

I almost had myself a nice little bleeding ulcer worked up yesterday when we finally decided we were being very, very silly. It's not her fault. I said some really very DUMBASS things in a situation where I couldn't openly discuss what I was trying to say. And a colossal misunderstanding ensued. So we talked about it yesterday and cleared the air. All is good.

BA is still BA. We haven't talked about MG anymore. Except that he will bring it up on occasion, just to reiterate that he is NOT dwelling on it. And not pressuring me. I will give him credit - he's really not pressuring me. And thank God he has backed off on the lecturing. It was really starting to give me brain damage.

His new tactic is to sway me in his direction by casually mentioning marriage and pregnancy. What?! Is he kidding me with that?! Please take my word for it that THAT NEVER WORKS. Well, actually it does work sometimes. But so NOT in this situation. If you have to say those things to try and hook someone, you are barking up the wrong tree. And I would like to officially state for the record that the idea of marriage makes me shake, sweat and puke. I don't want to even think about that with anyone right now.



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