
Deep in the Heart of Texas

The other thing MG & I talked about on Tuesday was going on a mini vacation in the fall. To be completely honest I am reluctant to even write about it out of fear that I will jinx it or something.

I have real cause to be superstitious about this, you know. Let's pause here for a second to remember the whole New Guy-vacation-thing. Do you remember? That horrible awful thing that started off really awesome and had all the good planning and got both of us really excited. And then it crashed and burned in a giant explosion? THAT SUCKED. So I'm a little apprehensive about getting all excited about my upcoming plans with MG.

However, I've decided that in case this DOES come to fruition, I need to tell you about it now so you know what in the bejeezus I'm talking about later on. The difference is, of course, that MG and I have a real thing. A relationship that has been going on, in some form or another, for over a year. And it's way more serious than New Guy was. I admit that if New Guy's Ex had not lost her ever-lovin' mind, we would have definitely had our weekend getaway and a lot of naked activities would have occurred. And I would have written about it in this blog, sans the graphic details, for days.

But I'm okay that whole thing went down the way it did. Because if she hadn't gone psycho, MG and I would not be where we are today. MG knew about New Guy and kept his distance because of it. It upset him, of course. And he didn't like it. But the bottom line is that this whole thing with us wouldn't have progressed while New Guy was in the picture.

So let's chalk this up to things happening for a reason and all that good stuff. I am over New Guy in a major way. Have you noticed how I've stopped writing about him (this entry not included)? We were never meant to be and I am fine with that. I hesitate to call him a rebound - for I really did like him. Just go back and read my first few entries...enough to make you want to puke, isn't it? But anyway, he has now moved onto Ex-Boyfriend Heaven, so to speak.

Getting back to the real topic, I really, really, really hope we get to take this trip together. It will be FANTASTIC!

The plan is to go to Dallas in November. Can you just imagine all the QT that will take place? And other stuff :-). We seriously need and want to hang out like real people and spend mass quantities of time together. It will help that we are going to another state and staying in a hotel with a Heavenly Bed, etc., etc.

So let's just hope I didn't just jinx the whole thing by documenting our plans in cyberspace. Though this will be relatively easy to arrange, there are a few little things (and people) that could cause a real snafu. If that happens, life will suck. And I WILL cry.

If this works out, some very wonderfully fantastic things will happen...deep in the heart of Texas.


Numero Uno

Oh, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. The sun is shining. The birds are singing. The bus came to pick up my children today. And I had a spectacular date Tuesday night...

That's right. MG and I had a much-needed, long-awaited date, and it was nothing short of AWESOME. And if you thought I was lovey Monday, you should see the state I'm in right now. It's kinda disgusting, really.

I love this guy...seriously bad. And each day it gets more intense. Especially when we get to have these cool little dates and spend some QT together. For this is when the good stuff happens, y'all. And this is also when all the really good talking occurs.

Yesterday he opened up to me and we talked. It actually set my heart afire. Amidst the smoke and flames, I was comforted to know his thoughts and feelings. We bonded. Get your MINDS out of the GUTTER! I mean we bonded emotionally. We both care about each other deeply. We feel the same way. I already knew this without being told, but it's great to hear it and have the opportunity to talk about it.

So here's the thing - I think MG makes my mind quit working. Like I can't think straight and I've gone down double-digits in the IQ department. I think about pretty much nothing else besides him and I've been going through these weird waves of thoughts... Sometimes I can't believe this is really happening. I waited around for this to happen for such a long time and never actually thought it would. So I often find myself, in the midst of everything, sitting back and thinking, "Wow! Can this really be happening?" And then it feels right. My intuition and I both know this is true. I feel it in the core of my being, and I feel connected to him in the depths of my soul. After Tuesday night I feel it very strongly.

BTW, Wednesday was great, too. We had a great day filled with little conversations and looks and lunch. And even a nighttime phone call. A very sweet, flirty, oftentimes sexy phone call which also contained some really good everyday stuff. And the best part is that I didn't answer my phone right away (I was mowing grass) so I also have a COMPLETELY AWESOME voicemail message to relive whenever I want.

So, anyway, I didn't want our phone call to end last night. I could've stayed on that phone for a very long time. But, our situation will not allow such luxuries. So I enjoyed every last second of our phone time and then went to bed with lots and lots of happy, squishy feelings.

Let's talk about the happy squishies for a moment... I honestly don't remember having them with anyone else. Not like this, anyway. Definitely never with the Ex. And not with BA. BA can be romantic and loving. And, yes, he is attentive and a frequent communicator (big plus!). He is doing nothing wrong here. But he does not give me the happy squishies.

MG does. This is why he is Numero Uno and everybody else takes second place. And right about now he's so far out in front that no one can even get close enough to touch him.


Back to Business...

Well...the birthday week is over. And things are returning to normal. School is gearing up to start and we are getting ready to settle back into a (GASP!) routine. My BFF went back to work, too, which means she is now sleep-deprived like the rest of us and has to resume a responsible schedule around the house. What a bummer.

Tomorrow morning my kids will get on their respective buses at 6:23 a.m. and 8:03 a.m. I will probably have my first major breakdown at around 6:20 a.m. while reminding my 12-year-old for about the gazillionth time that the bus is on its way (He usually doesn't leave the house until he hears it coming down the street. Granted, the bus stop is right across the street from our house...but if you've ever seen that kid walk, you understand my urgency on this matter.)

Next up will be my First Grader, who will be dressed and ready to go by 7:15 a.m., munching happily away on his cereal while watching Spongebob. He will begin watching for the bus at around 7:30 a.m. - you know, just in case the bus decides to be 1/2 hour early for the first day of school. He will ask me once every 1 1/2 minutes if it is time for him to trek across the street. He will also ask me every 1 1/2 minutes if I think his friends are dressed and ready and if they might possibly want to come over and play before school. Then he will begin worrying about his plans for the evening, and hence will commence negotiations on where and with whom he will play. That's when I'm going to have my 2nd breakdown.

Good news is that I get to ship them all off to school (YIPPEE!!!) and spend my morning looking at MG. Ahh. That will be a happy, happy moment.

If you haven't guessed, I'm feeling very lovey right now, so excuse me while I bore you to tears while talking about my love life. I actually had a very UNeventful weekend in this area (except for the partying I did with P - which BTW doesn't count toward my love life). BA and I didn't see each other (for the first time in 5 weeks) which was okay. He sent me some lovely TM's on Friday and they were good enough to hold me over until yesterday when they started again...

You remember where I left off with MG? Well, Sunday, while I was sitting at the pool, he called. To talk and see what I was up to. And to see if I wanted to do something later. The problem was that I couldn't because I had to make a road trip to pick up my oldest child - a trip that would eat up about 3 hours of my day. So we got to have a very nice conversation, and he said he would call me later to see what was going on.

And he did call. But, alas, I was still on the road and our timing didn't work out. We made a commitment to do something during the week. We miss each other, you know. Like, SUPER BAD! And he was very sweet and loving. It melted my heart right then and there. Have I mentioned lately that I LOVE him?

Wow, I can't believe I just wrote that. I guess I could backup and hit delete, but you know what? Let's go with it. Yes - I love MG with all of my heart. I love being with him and hearing his voice and talking to him. And going on dates with him and hanging out with him and...the list goes on and on. In fact, I can't think of anything negative to say about him. Oh yeah. Except that one little thing that he has going against him... Then there's THAT.

The thing about me & MG is, however, that this thing has been in the making for quite some time now. Like over a year. That's one whole year of both of us thinking the same things and having the same feelings and going through the same strife over not being together. And one year of both of us watching each other and thinking about each other and trying to figure each other out...

We went over peaks and down valleys. There were super great times, and colossally awful times. There were nervous butterflies and hurt feelings. A lot of time was spent with each of us trying to figure out where the other stood. All without tipping our own hand. The funny thing is that people all around us knew it was going on. They could see it plain as day. Even people who had just met us said it. And all of my closest friends knew it. I even think my four-year-old daughter knows it. She loves MG almost as much as I do.

But anyway, I don't even know what to say to express what I feel for him. I don't remember feeling this way about anyone else. It's so relaxed and calm. I trust the way he feels about me. It's the same way I feel about him. And even though I know it isn't right, it sure the heck feels like it is.

And then you have BA. I didn't take him or us seriously at first. We were set-up with absolutely zero expectations. And the first few times we were together, we hit it off, but no sparks flew or anything. And all I thought about the whole time was MG. But now that we've spent some QT together, things are different.

And this is where I get pissed off. Because it WAS NOT ME who stepped up this game. I was NOT THE ONE who took it to the next level. This is all BA's fault. I was cool with coasting along and not having strings attached with no emotions involved. I was fine with the occasional date and all the not worrying about where I stand, etc. Now that he's all lovey and intimate and super sweet and all attentive and stuff, I have sprouted real feelings and emotions for him. Dammit. This was SO not the plan.

The other thing is I find myself wondering if BA is being sincere with all of this or whether it is just part of the game. BA is the type of guy with whom you absolutely need to be careful. I am reminded of this often by The Puppetmaster. I appreciate his words of wisdom, but nonetheless, they make me afraid. And I don't like being afraid or having to constantly reevaluate everything - remember the New Guy fiasco?

What I'm trying to say is that I'm afraid to let myself be vulnerable in even the slightest way with BA. Somewhere in the back of mind, I'm afraid he is playing me. Maybe because of all the hype that The Puppetmaster fed me early on. I can't tell. I mean, there's not a single thing that BA does to make me think he's insincere. Very much the opposite. So why do I feel so insecure about this? I shouldn't. I know he means what he says. But something is holding me back.

Here's the thing... BA and I have never had the "exclusivity conversation." I think mainly because, through our dealings with The Puppetmaster, we both know what is going on with the other. BA knows about MG. And remember he was told he couldn't compete (which oddly enough makes him try HARDER and gets him MORE interested!?!). The Puppetmaster has told me about some other chick with whom BA has conducted an on/off relationship for the past three years.

What no one knows for sure is the current status of that relationship. The Puppetmaster says that he knows BA is being sincere with me and is totally into me...but that Other Chick, if she comes around, or if that works out, or whatever, would be #1. That makes me #2. Do I even need to say that I DON'T LIKE being #2? BA doesn't talk about Other Chick anymore so no one knows what is going on with that at this given time.

This upsets me. I realize I have no right to be upset about this, but DAMN IT - it pisses me off. No, wait. Too strong of words... It hurts my feelings and makes me feel bad. And makes me question all the above stuff I already mentioned.

The Puppetmaster again says that everything BA says and does is sincere. He truly means it. I shouldn't cut this thing off because of Other Chick - I just need to keep it in the back of my mind.

Yeah. Here's a NEWS FLASH for ya, Puppetmaster: That's NOT WHAT GIRLS DO!

So now I'm conflicted. I went through waves of angst yesterday during which I alternately decided to cut things off with BA for causing all these emotions and warm fuzzies to grow inside me...and being okay with the it because I trust what BA says.

And then last night I had an epiphany. I realized that what BA is doing to me here is EXACTLY what I'm doing to him. E-X-A-C-T-L-Y the same.

Y'all know that I would never give up MG. Not for anyone. And no matter how many X's and O's and I Miss You's he tells me, I will not give up MG for BA. Not. Going. To. Happen. Which makes MG my #1 and BA my #2. And it's the same damn thing.

So this is what I've decided to do...

I'm going to play it cool with BA. If he TM's me, fine. I will respond. But I WILL NOT start stuff up. If anything, this will only pique his interest - which will only work to my benefit. But I'm going to stick with my no-calling rule and let it be.

Obviously, things with MG are wonderful. Our relationship is easy and comfortable and there's not a lot of maintenance required. It will work out on its own. And that makes me very happy... He is my #1 and will continue to be treated as such. Hopefully sometime this week :-)

Not too complicated, right???

Go, Allie! It's Your Birthday!

Y'know what gets me excited??? ...my BIRTHDAY!!!!! I turned 32 last week (Yay, Me!) and OMG, my birthday ROCKED!!!!!

I think the official festivities started off a couple of weekends ago. Kelly and I went out Saturday before last. We did some all-important hanging out and girl-bonding. She, being my BFF, took me to the mall first! We cruised by Ticknor's, of course, to catch a glimpse of my favorite sales guy (whose real name is Evan for future reference). He wasn't working. Neither was Hot Guess Guy. (We're starting to wonder what the heck happened to Hot Guess Guy. Like I'm seriously concerned he died or something. Or moved. Or got a better job.)

After indulging ourselves at our favorite places, we hit Claddaugh's for dinner. Where there was a bachelor party going on. Too funny. But we were good girls and ate our dinner. Then headed to BW3 (okay, so we're not THAT good). Our evening after that was uneventful, I guess. But we had a super great time!!!

My actually birthday was last Thursday. And I started my day off with......PRESENTS!!! From MG. He totally gets me and I love this guy. They were great and included a lovely card. Aaaaaaaah. Unfortunately, we didn't get to spend much time together that day. But he was very sweet and made my day for sure.

What also helped were the AWESOME text messages I got from BA. They were very lovey and sweet. And had lots of XOXOXOXOs and words like Baby and Sweetheart. Oh my, they were good. Which is confusing to me because, well...I'm starting to actuallly really like him. Just not as much as MG. Maybe I'll write about that later. Nonetheless, BA came through for my birthday with the love quotient!

That night, Kelly and the girls gave me a bouquet of purple gladiolus. My favorite flower! And we had ice cream cake. I really loved that!

Then P & I took the kids out to BW3 for a couple of drinks (for us - NOT the kids). While we were there I got the sweetest ever birthday call from MG. THAT totally made my day and it touched my heart. After I got the call I was filled with the warm squishies and I was in love with the world. Then on Friday, I wrote him a thank you card which was beautiful, if I do say so myself. He left me the cutest message and promised we would spend some time together soon...

But until then, it was time to party. Saturday, P & I went out and PAR-TAY'ed like we were 21. We hit the docks again - this is quickly becoming my new favorite spot! We started out at Tango's where the plan was to eat dinner al fresco and enjoy the weather & view. We hung out at the bar for a little while where our very favorite ever bartender, Amy, served us up sample drinks of every speciality drink on their menu. Like one right after the other. So that after about 20 minutes, both P & I had 5 empty glasses sitting in front of us. I can only imagine what that looked like!

Oh well. We decided we loved the Electric Lemonade the best, so we ordered another and headed outside to our table. Where we decided that our liquid intake had just put a serious damper on our ability to eat food. We soldiered through it anyway and ate - a little.

After dinner we walked down to the Bistro to enjoy the outdoor bar and DJ. And we never left. Omigod, guys. I had the most fun I've had in like, seriously, a decade or so. We plopped ourselves at the bar right in front of the dance floor and ordered up a drink (shocking, isn't it!). Lest you be concerned about our bar tab, NO WORRIES!!! For this would be the last drink we would buy for ourselves the rest of the night.

WE DANCED OUR ASSES OFF FOR THREE HOURS. But it was really funny because when we first got there the DJ was playing a whole lotta kinda-good-but-not-really 80s music. And the only people "dancing" were 50-60 years old. With a couple of really awful, thirty-something members of the geek squad thrown in. Made for some good entertainment, but not exactly a party.

Eventually, the music improved, the oldies cleared the floor and...P & Allie got their groove on. Dating Revelation: Guys love a girl who dances, and you instantly become about 1,000% more approachable while on the dance floor.

Back up a step - P & I made a new friend, Barb at the bar. By my best guesstimate, she is in her late-forties, very attractive, totally hip & a party wannabe. While her lovely husband bought us drinks and watched our stuff, the three of us danced our little tushies off. Barb is a woman who cuts to the chase, and she straight-away asked us our ages & marital status. Since I am single (woo-hoo!), she volunteered to be on the lookout for cute guys. I didn't take her seriously.

Yep. Probably SHOULD have. Because within 1/2 hour, a tall, bald yet cute-ish, somewhat dorky guy named Dana approached me. First of all, I'm not usually one for androgenous names, but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt seeing as how this is actually his parents' fault. Dana just walked right up to me on the dance floor and did his thing. His "thing" being talking constantly and dancing AT me with some questionably perverse moves. With W-T-F plastered all over my face, we finished the song and he went for another drink.

Meanwhile P was dying - I can admit that although it was CREEPY, that whole thing was funny as Hell. Then Barb, all happy and proud, asked me what I thought. Yeah. I said, "No, thank you." about forty-seven times before she finally got it.

Then we met two other relatively cute guys, Rick & Nick (Seriously. I would not make that up.). They were FUN. Not necessarily all that cute, but good at the dancing and drink buying and really funny. So we hung out with them for the rest of the night.

At one point, some other gnarly guy actually smacked my ass. Smacked. My. Ass. And not in a good way, either. My buddy, Rick, fought for my honor on that one. Aaaah. Now that's what guys are for!

And thus was the end of my birthday extravaganza. I milked the occasion for all it's worth. Thanks to all you guys who sent me cards (Tone - thank you again for the card confetti!!! I always forget how much you like that stuff until it's too late!)!!!

I can't wait until next year!!!!!


Update, Flupdate

I totally suck at blogging. There are so many things I need to update you on and too little time. But, good news! I am going to stop procrastinating and start typing so as to get you somewhat up to speed.

First of all, my kids are back. I picked them up Sunday afternoon. And I have successfully completed 11 days of blissful, kid-free freedom! And I HAD A TOTAL BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!! But, alas, now I am back to the routine, which can be likened to returning to work after a two-week dream vacation. But, anyway.

During that 11 days of freedom, I ate what I wanted for dinner (chips & salsa, Taco Bell, and M&Ms were frequent menu items), went where I wanted (the mall, the bar, tanning, walking at midnight, etc.), and stayed up as late as I wanted and slept in as late as I wanted. I had significantly less dishes to wash and clothes to launder, no mess around the house to pick up and the freedom to blast the stereo and sit around in my underwear.

I even took a road trip home in the middle of last week!

That was SOOO fun. I went out with my friend, Carla on Wednesday night after hanging out at the old office and leaving obnoxious "I was here" notes for everyone. Wednesday night I stayed over with Yolanda and stayed up until 1 a.m. with her laughing and talking. Then I surprised my parents at lunch on Thursday before having a second lunch with the girls. After that, I visited with Toni and her beautiful kids for a couple of hours (I miss them terribly - our visit was not long enough!!!!!) before heading back down to see my parents for a while longer. Then I returned home. It was P's birthday and we had plans.

Then Saturday, I hung out with P at her pool for like 5 hours. We got a little sunburned, but who cares?!? We lathered ourselves in tanning lotion and read Cosmo and Star and People. It was sooooo fun. And then BA called. So we had a date Saturday night. A really, really awesome date.

This is unexpected, people. I don't really know how I feel about BA. I mean, he's really fun and all when we are together, but it's not the same as MG. And, well, it's just not the same. But Saturday night we had a date. He came over and we had dinner and a couple of drinks. Then we watched a movie and hung out. And I discovered the following things:

1) He's romantic and cuddly.

2) He's very, very intelligent.

3) He's quite talkative once you get to know him. In fact, I had trouble getting a word in edgewise!

4) He is super sweet.

5) We had a total blast hanging out and talking.

6) I actually really like him.

We had a date the Saturday before, too. I don't think I mentioned that... Last week, we didn't call each other until I text messaged him on Thursday. And that eventually led to Saturday. But anyway, BA actually asked me why I didn't call him all week.

W-T-F?!?!? I mean, honestly, it just didn't cross my mind to call him. That's all. But I can't really say that to him, soooo..... I instead highlighted the fact that he also did not call me... And that's when he informed me that he was testing me.

Testing me? Geezus. I SO don't need to be putting up with this. Guys are way too damn complicated. And it's pissing me off.

But I see the game he's playing here, and I can play it, too. So we went back and forth about the rules of this game and who was winning. We rightfully determined that I was the winner of round 1 - because I TM'd on Thursday. A much-deserved victory.

But while this seems like a fun little light-hearted game, it was actually quite serious. Because we talked about it several more times. He wanted to know if I missed him during the week. And how much. And he said how he was sure that he, indeed, missed me more than I missed him.

Well, okay. Oddly enough I did kinda miss him. Otherwise, I wouldn't have TM'd him. Duh. But it's not like I'm going to TELL him that.

But we went on about our date and all was well. And when he left, he was very sweet and reiterated that whole missing thing. Then he called me an hour later. And said it again.

Now, I realize I'm making this sound horrible. It wasn't. It wasn't nearly as weird, awful or creepy as I made it sound just now. And our date went so well, that I actually do miss him right now.

On Sunday, Kelly and I hit the mall (again) and did some talking. The plus side of BA being friends with Mr. K is, of course, that I get some inside scoop. Apparently, BA is intrigued, confused, and highly turned on by the fact that I do not call him. Mainly because he cannot understand why I'm not totally into him. And that drives him CRAZY NUTS.

I guess it is best summed up this way: BA is incredibly competitive and hates to lose. And he needs to know that he is Numero Uno. So when I don't call very often and don't always respond back quickly to his messages, it actually makes him want to call/see/date me more. Add to this the fact that BA knows about MG. And was told by Mr. K that he flat-out can't compete with MG. The way I understand it is that BA is bothered by this, but merely sees this as a challenge which heightens his interest. It's a caveman thing.

But anyway, the most important thing to be learned here is that I truly believe I have unlocked the mystery of the male brain and thereby uncovered the secret to dating. Don't call them and leave them on-the-hook while simulataneously dating someone who is perceivably better than them. (insert glorious sounds of rejoicing here)

Does anyone else out there agree that this is a completely ASS-BACKWARD way of going about this? Maybe I feel that way because I am a woman, and we are logical creatures. Ugh. I don't know.

BTW, Mr. K is feeling very proud of himself on this whole BA thing. He is the puppetmaster, of sorts. Turns out he totally played both of us and made us fall for each other. Mr. K told me a whole load of crap about how BA was a cold bastard who was neither interesting nor interested in having a meaningful (gasp!) relationship. Mr. K then proceeded to tell BA that I was clingy and would expect lots of stuff and would require lots of attention (okay, that might be true, but...). Mr. K didn't tell me that BA was actually very intelligent, cool, interesting, loving, and sweet. And, finally, Mr. K didn't tell BA that I was a pretty cool chick who was classy and fun and had cool stuff (BA's words, not mine).

So what a surprise we turned out to be to each other. The whole thing was explained to me last night by Mr. K himself, amid occasional bursts of laughter. He is very, very proud of himself right now. And even though I'm in love with Mr. K, I'm still fairly pissed at him right now, too.

But back to business... BA TM'd me last night - which is actually what brought about the above conversation. It was very "I miss you," and stuff. I was instructed NOT to text back. So I didn't. But I did send one today. I just cannot go along with this whole don't call me thing. Not entirely anyway. So more on how that turns out later.

Meanwhile, MG and I have been somewhat on the outs over the last week. It was kinda ugly. Yesterday we finally talked about it. Like for 2 1/2 hours. We completely cleared the air and got everything straightened out. There were some tears, but more importantly, some relief. We had let a breakdown in communication occur and a giant misunderstanding took place. But yesterday we had a very honest, open, no-holds-barred conversation that was very important. And after it was over, as we were leaving, he pulled me into him and gave me the sweetest ever make-up kiss. HE makes me all squishy inside. HE is the one I pine for and care about. And HE is the one I turn to and listen to and confide in.

So, I guess, to sum things up... My life hasn't changed all that much in the last week. Still as confusing and weird as before. And oddly enough, I like it that way. Go figure.



For some reason I am feeling very flirtatious and confident today. Maybe it's all the rain (yes, I live in the Amazon Rainforest). But anyway, I'm not talking about the kind of "flirtatious" that is cute and uneventful or slyly daring. I am talking about full-on, out there, goal-oriented flirtation. Which, may surprise you, is NOT my style. I am a waiter. I always wait on the guy to start something. I may eye him and all, but I'm not verbally proactive in the flirting. Once given the open door, it's game on.

But the monsoons have brought about a change in me. I recently decided that I should take the bull by its horns (NO pun intended) and start taking an active role in this thing.

I think it was brought on the other day (Saturday, and, YES, I am going to blog about that ...I didn't forget!). Kelly and I spent the entire day shopping. And, oh, the shopping we did. If there was an Amazing Race for shopping, we would SO kick the competition's ass!!! And, hey, I'm still technically spending the Ex's money, so that doubled the pleasure!

I won't elaborate on the shopping now, except to say that we were hit on a few times. Sorta. Like in a cowardly "guy" way of flirting. Only one of the guys sticks out in my mind as being even remotely interesting. The guy who sold me my new furniture (yep, spent LOTS of money). The furniture store guys were fairly obvious about their flirting. And, of course, the old, cheesy guy (you know, the one who didn't stand a chance) was the most "out there." Anyway, we had a kinda cute conversation with my salesman, Sean. We talked about the fact that I had over 30 beers in my fridge (from the whole BA thing Friday night) and they offered to come over and help us drink them. I remember Kelly playing into this with a professionalism not often seen with the naked eye. But anyway, on the way out, after mentioning the beer for about the 71st time, I casually said, "Well, Sean has my address, so..." Topped off with an evil smile, a slow turn, and the two of us walking out.

When we got to the car, I commented that I thought Sean was super cute. Kelly was like, "Well - Hello, Stupid! He was so flirting with you and hitting on you." WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!? WHY DIDN'T SOMEONE TELL ME? She says I am oblivious to it. I suppose that may be true, but I tend to think that guys are too vague. Are they scared? What is up with this? If a guy wants to flirt with me, I need him to be way more obvious. I mean, just say it like it is...I don't mind. In fact, I like it. Just ask MG.

And so I've concluded that the male species is nothing but a collective bunch of chicken shits! Such forcing my decision to be a proactive flirter. Which led me to do what I did today at lunch.

Surprise, surprise, I went to the mall. HEY - I had a RETURN today, okay? Plus, MG is out of town and I miss him. I had just finished a phone call with him right before I left for lunch, and I was sad.

I must insert a quick story here - I went to the mall on Monday, too. I was walking by Ticknor's when the salesguy glanced my way, thus giving me goosebumps and temporarily stopping my heart. He. Is. Cute! (Not as cute as Hot Guess Guy (who is never available!) and no where near as hot as MG) I did the slow walk-by, as we both gave each other the stare. We even did the little smile thing. Then I went into Ann Taylor and went about my business.

So, today, as I'm (again) walking into Ann Taylor, I stroll by Ticknor's - only to notice that Cute Guy is working again. And we kinda did the look again...only this time, I made my walk-by shorter to make it a little less obvious.

While I was shopping, however, I remembered my notion about being Miss Proactive Flirter and began conjuring up ways to go in there. (Wouldn't have been as difficult if it weren't a men's store!)

I decide that my premise for shopping there is going to be that I am shopping for a birthday gift for my brother-in-law.

I entered the store and began browsing the Tommy Bahama sale at the very front of the store. I acted all cool and non-chalant, and waited for Cute Guy to approach. Which he did. And, OMG!!!! He is Beautiful-Cute up close like that! And, he's really confident and a smartass! Oh, could he get any better?!?!?!?!?!? He asked me about who I was shopping for and offered to go through the store with me so we could pick the right gift! We had a total blast. Like it took us 45 minutes. He laid all the outfits out on a table and we joked and laughed and he made little comments... Then at one point, after questioning if a shirt would be big enough for my brother-in-law (the one having the fake birthday!), Cute Guy says, how is he built in comparison to, say, me? I totally said, "Well, he's bigger than you. But that's because he's not in as good a shape as you are." Yeahhhhhhhh, boy! That's what I said.

And as I am enjoying feeling very proud of myself for that, Cute Guy says, "Well, here. Let me try it on for you so you can see it on me." And, luck of all luck, he tries it on for me right there. Of course, I proceed to tell him how great it looks. Then the other sales guy comes over and says, "Hey, if you want a better looking model...just let me know." Cute Guy goes, "Yeah. I doubt that." And I go, "Yep. Me, too. I like the one I have."

Okay - stop right here for a second. Who is proud of me for that, huh???? I am all of sudden a championship flirter, people! Woo-hoo!

Then, this is how the conversation continues:

Cute Guy: "So, what are you doing with the rest of your day?"
Me: "Gee, I don't know really."
CG: "Well, do you have anymore shopping to do?"
Me: "No, I'll be finished after I'm done here. But I'm starving, so I going to have to get some lunch pretty soon."
CG: Smirky grin "Well, do you have anyone else to buy for? I mean, like your dad or a boyfriend, or whatever."
Me: "No, I don't have any of those. Well, I have a dad, but not the other." Yes - this was a stupid comment, I know. Not something a championship flirter would say.
CG: "Ohhhhh, okay then."

We wrap up the shopping and head on over to checkout. Then he tells me his name and shakes my hand. And we talk about that for quite a while. He even tells me his middle name. He asks me what I do and where I work, and oddly enough, if my parents are tall. I say that, yes, in fact they kinda are. But that I have 2 1/2 inch heels on, too, so I'm really only 5'10.

Then round two of the lunch conversation:

CG: "So, you really don't know what you're doing for the rest of the day? Do you have to go back to work?"
Me: "No, I don't. (I did, but just stay with me here.) I still really need to get some lunch." (sidenote: I've found that guys LOVE girls who actually eat and who enjoy eating.)
CG: "Have you ever been to Claddaugh's Pub? They have great food...and drinks."
Me: "I have been to Claddaugh's. It's great. I know what you mean about the drinks. I love the Irish Lemonade."
CG: "I've never had that. Sounds like a girly drink. I like beer - do you drink beer?"
Me: "Yeah. I do drink beer. But I'm going with the Irish Lemonade. ...but I don't really want to go there all by myself, so maybe that will have to wait."
CG: "If I didn't have to work, I would SO go have lunch and drinks with you."
Me: "Oh yeah? That would be really nice.

After that, I think we just kinda wrapped up our transaction and stuff. My mind is a little fuzzy here because I was also busy paying for my $175 bill!!! Then he said:

CG: "Well. You'll have to stop back in here again."
Me: "I will. You and I need to go have lunch. And I am going to get you to try a Lemonade."
CG: "Well...maybe I will just have a few drinks of yours. Stop back in and we'll definitely do that."

THAT. WAS. FUN. OMG! I can't tell you how cute that guy was. And, like, I'm seriously planning on going back in there for lunch...Only this time, I'm not going to spend $175!

Dillard - I know your birthday is in May and all, but you might be getting a (really, really nice) early Christmas delivery - K? Who's your favorite sister-in-law???


Where Do I Begin?

Alright. It's Monday morning and I have just completed one of the busiest weekends I have ever lived through. Now I must begin the task of documenting the highlights, and to tell you the truth, I'm having a substantial amount of trouble figuring out exactly how to do that.

So the game plan is to break it down into tiny parts and just relay one story at a time. First, let me tell you about Friday:

Friday SUCKED super bad, mainly because DDay fell through. And also because MG and I had a little "thing". Kind of a spat. I will not elaborate except to say that it had to do with our plans falling through and then us being discouraged and kinda taking it out on each other. Well, okay, mainly ME taking it out on him. We do this sometimes. And we always get over it. But at the time, it is ugly. So he left on a bad note and I spent the rest of the afternoon feeling terrible about it.

After work I went to the mall. Well, duh. I'm sure you know by now that I always go to the mall when things aren't going so well. Nobody cute was at the mall, but I completed a nice round of power shopping. After that was over, I ventured home. And cried.

G was outside when I pulled in my driveway. She and I started talking and decided that we had SO much catching up to do that we should do it over cocktails. Okay. I suggested that. But it was all good. And terribly fun!

I felt like such a privileged guest... G's husband escorted me into the Bar (their bar is SOOOO cool that it has to be referred to with a capital B), shown a list of possible drink combinations, and allowed to pick whatever lovely concoction I wanted. I picked the Yellow Cake Martini.

Forgetting momentarily that Mr. G mixes up drinks as if he were mixing for a bunch of sailors, I guzzled down the first glass. After the second glass, I was well-tipsy. G even started dropping stuff on the floor. We are cheap and apparently clumsy drunks.

It was such a BLAST!!! I miss hanging out with you more often, G! And thanks, Mr. G for the awesome drinks! You are one cool guy! You even put up with our crazy girl talk!

Anyway, sometime before we started all that drinking, BA called me. We talked about doing something later or whatever. He was playing ball and said he would call me later. Me being the ever-so-generous hostess, offered to buy him some beer. When asked what kind he wanted he said, "Oh, I don't care, Baby. You can get whatever kind you want. I'll call you after my game, okay, Sweetheart?" HA HA HA HA It was soooo funny. (Nobody tell him I laugh about that, though, okay? Because he might stop doing it...)

At 8:30, Kelly called. She was on her way home and was...loaded. She was out shopping and met up with some girls from work for a few drinks. Moments later she pulled into my driveway and came down to G's. We hung out for a little while. Then Kelly and I left. We putzed around for a bit before she went home to have dinner with her husband. Mr. Kelly is great and I love him and all. In fact, I secretly want to be his second wife. JUST JOKING, K! But the last thing he wanted was for me to horn-in on their dinner date. So I decided to go home, wait for BA to call, and take a nap. I believe being very drunk had a lot to do with that decision, but whatever.

BA didn't call. Shocked? Actually, I was, because he is normally excellent about communication. P called at 11 p.m. to see what I was doing. I had a little bit of a hard time figuring out what the strange ringing noise was. Minutes later (well, okay - seconds later) I realized it was my phone. I'm told that conversation was hilarious.

SIDEBAR: Later the NEXT DAY, Kelly tells me the REAL story about where she was that night. If you can't tell from my formatting, I was a little hurt and mildy offended that it took her so long to tell me the real deal. I am slowly getting over it.

Kelly is very good friends with one of her ex-boyfriends. They stay in close contact with each other and call each other very frequently. Yeah, I'm jealous about that, too. But let's not dwell on it. He just happened to be free (of his spouse and kids) and wanted to meet up for a couple of drinks. Actually, he really needed to vent and talk and knew Kelly could commisserate with him. Plus, she's a good listener and is most often right, so you can take her advice to the bank. That, and he has a major league crush on her. On this, I am right. She doesn't believe me, but in this case I am right and she is wrong. I am all-knowing and she is in the dark. I am the winner! (insert maniacal laughter here)

Now, nothing happened Friday night. Not ONE thing that would be considered inappropriate by any standard. But she felt the feeling. The awkward, OMG, I shouldn't be doing this, let's cover our tracks feeling. And they had a very nice heart-to-heart conversation. And five bottles of beer. I know she had a really good time. I don't have a problem with that at all.

But what I DO have a problem with is that she waited until Saturday at breakfast to tell me. What's up with THAT?!?!?!?!? I wish you could have seen her face when she spilled it. Hi-larious! And while I'm a little hurt that she didn't tell me RIGHT AWAY (which is now the rule whenever one of us does something daring, courageous, stupid, funny, or embarrassing), I secretly love that we share little secrets like that.

And that, guys, was the extent of my Friday night. Hanging out with the girls and the consumption of alcohol beverages. It was great, but, still - not QUITE what I had in mind! Saturday gets WAY better. It is filled with hangovers, shopping, underwear, spending money with reckless abandon, one MAJORLY EMBARRASSING grocery store shopping trip, dates, and (shocking!) alcoholic beverages. Don't worry - I will ease you into it one step at a time...



Well, because of all the GD rain around here, Date Day may not happen after all. What a bummer!!! We are trying to figure out how to make that happen...

Last night, the Ex picked up the kids at 9:30 p.m. They all piled in the car along with their color-coded overnight bags stuffed full of 7 days' worth of clothes!!! And with happy little smiles on their faces and furiously waving hands, they drove off into the night. And it was WAY sad!!! I will seriously miss them badly. In fact, I've never been away from them for that long.

Luckily, P called to see if I wanted to meet up with her after work. Well, DUH!

So like a couple of drowned rats (because, SURPRISE, it started freakin' raining again right about the same time I left go pick her up!) we walked into the bar and seated ourselves at a table in our favorite waiter, Blake's, area. We love Blake because we totally don't even have to order...he knows what we like. Blake cames over to rattle off "the usual," just to make sure nothing had changed since our last visit. Sweet BBQ wings and cheese fries with Chili on the side.

We talk about how Blake is so nice and cute. In that whole George O'Malley-kind-of-way. Or, better yet, we conclude that he would be a great gay-boyfriend. Like someone to take shopping or whatever. But NOT anything else. Not that I'm sayin' there's anything wrong with that. In fact, I think every girl should have at least ONE gay boyfriend. But, y'know, this is so not what I intended to talk about today...back to the story.

We're laughing and talking and having a great time. P keeps saying to me that there is a group of people across the way that keeps looking at us. Well, in particular, there is one guy who seems extremely interested. So I go to look, and she hurriedly stops me...seems that he is totally looking our way and taking everything we do into account. So I don't turn and I don't look and I have NO FREAKING idea who this might be.

So we drink some more beer.

Anyway, a good 45 minutes into our conversation, I'm busy telling P all about BA and the tattoo, and other crazy stuff that happened to me during the week, when I catch a glimpse of someone coming our way. So, naturally, I turn my head a little more that direction....only to discover...

The "guy" she was referring to was MG. And he was about two feet from me. He came over and talked to me (He sorta forgot to say anything to P and I sorta kinda forgot to introduce them. My bad.). My heartbeat was going a mile a minute. And I may have been shaking. I guess just because I didn't expect to see him there, I didn't know he was there, and, well, he makes me all quivery.

So we had the weirdest, sweetest, most innocent conversation in the history of the world and then we parted ways. He was there with a bunch of friends and all their kids. As he said goodbye and turned away, it killed me. We did a mini-version of "the look," and then he walked away.

It killed me (did I just say that???). Anyway, P was like, "Who in the world was THAT????" Because 1) He's Freakin' HOTTT!!! and 2) I guess it was kinda obvious that we really, really like each other. P definitely noticed "the look."

So that was weird. Good yet strange. Fun yet sad.

I got home at 12:45 a.m. I wasn't tired so, like a total LOSER, I cleaned the house. I vacuumed, dusted, made two beds, took out the trash, mopped the kitchen floor, started the dishwasher, washed the sheets to my bed, and watered the flowers. Yep. L-O-S-E-R. And by 2 a.m. I decided I was tired after all and went to bed.

Kinda made getting up this morning a little difficult. But I did it. And I am now here at work. Trying to plan out my upcoming weekend by myself. Yippy-Kay-Ay.

Update: In the meantime, BA called. Interesting... Let me think on that for a while and I will update you later...


Operation Clean-Up - Status Update: 0900 Hours

Here we are at Thursday morning, and I am contemplating panicking. I didn't get very much of my cleaning list accomplished yesterday.

Here is what I've cleaned so far: the fridge, my garage, my car, the tub. This morning I cleaned the shower (while I was in it) and managed to put the rest of the laundry away.

I guess after looking at that all written down, I did get quite a few things done. And I put the kids in charge of cleaning up the basement today. So I'm good.

Except that I am sitting at work right now. And two of the kids are at home. The same two kids who are supposed to be cleaning the basement... The thing is that these are also the same two culprits that recklessly vandalize my house from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (sometimes Saturday and Sunday, too, if they get bored).

So maybe I'll give them little "reminder" calls throughout the day? Besides, their dad is picking them up tonight.

OH YEAH - I totally forgot to mention that the Ex is taking the kids for the next week. WEEK. As in seven fun-filled days AND nights!!! And all I can say about that is YIPPPPPEEEEE!!!!! (Now, don't get me wrong. I am going to miss them and everything. Their cute little faces and having mini-people to hang out with. But still.)

Come to think of it, this little piece of information probably clears up confusion over exactly HOW I am able to have this Friday night date in the first place. So, say what you will about the Ex. (No, really, go on...I don't care.) But he deserves some props this week for his willingness to spend time with kids (!!!) and for giving me a little break.

So, ANYWAY, onto the next problem. What's with all this rain? We are now on Day 3 of what I hope is NOT another 40-day flood. It's almost like we were hit by a tsunami or something. And normally rain doesn't bug me, except that it is has caused my grass to grow 7 inches this week. Which means I need to cut it - and WHEN am I going to fit THAT into the schedule?!?!?!?!

So that is where we stand at 0900 Hours. My mission today is to tackle the list head-on as soon as I get home. It's time to focus!

In the meantime, I think MG and I have lunch plans...!!! So I'm off to drink my coffee and do some real work. If anyone wants to mow my grass, let me know :-)


Cleaning House

Ohhhhhh-Kay, Guys. Here's the deal. MG and I are planning a Friday night date. At. My. House. And OMG am I excited!!!

Let's see how well you guys know me... Guess what I did at lunch today in preparation for my upcoming date?



Did you say..........shopping??? If so, then, you are CORRECT! And here is what I bought:

1) New bath towels in green to match my new bedding. You see, MG will be showering at my house. And the kid-tested, grime-encrusted, worn-out towels just won't cut it. Gotta have the good towels.

2) Manly-man soap. See #1.

3) Candles. 'Nuff said.

4) Sexy lingerie. WAY more than 'nuff said.

5) Fun stuff to use with #3-4.

6) Cool plastic organizational-like thingees - so that I can appear to be organized around the house. When successfully employed, these objects will make it seem like I'm like that ALL the time.

Oh yeah, and I'm cooking dinner, too. About the cooking, I'm totally like, "No Prob! I've got that part nailed!" It's the cleaning thing that has me concerned.

So I've decided I have to stifle all my feel-goodiness for a couple of days - in order that I can get my house cleaned. And with three children running around, that is going to be a challenge. So for the next two days, I am on a mission.

All missions need lists. My list is broken down into days, areas of the house, tasks, and order of duties. It is a thing of wonder and beauty. I carefully constructed it then sat back to admire it a few times. I must say I'm impressed by its detail. Now, the art of completion stands before me.

So guess what I'll be doing tonight? Cleaning the house, the fridge, the garage, my car. Whooooo-Hoooooo!!!

You remember up there when I mentioned the plastic organizational thingees? They are important. Because MG WILL look in my stuff. He's very much like that. He always wants to know the little details about me. And, trust me, he will look. He examines my toenail polish, purse, jewelry, books, pens, handwriting, bottled water, my cell phone wallpaper, and the peach fuzz on the back of my neck (TMI). He knows how I like my coffee, which candy I prefer, and what I'm really thinking most of the time (yeah, that part kinda sucks sometimes). He remembers exactly what outfit and shoes I wore the day before, where I last put my glasses, which songs I say I like on the radio, what I order for lunch at each restaurant in our area...you get the idea. So the little, tiny details must not be overlooked.

And it has occurred to me that I should use this opportunity to not only clean the house so that it will be sanitary and orderly and pleasantly frangranced. I should also take advantage of the opportunity to purge the house of all things related to the Ex. To start anew, if you will. To put things where I want them, dammit. Kinda gives a whole new meaning to "cleaning house," don't ya think?

So if any of you are looking for me over the course of the next two days, you can find me at home. Very busy. Cleaning. House.


The Best Week E-V-E-R

Okay, it's quite possible that I am having the best week E-V-E-R! And since I haven't had many good weeks lately, I am going to annoy the crap out of anyone and everyone who will listen. I will regale the masses with bubbly stories laden with giggles, smirks, evil laughter and ridiculous amounts of happiness. And for those of you who will not have the unfortunately pleasure of speaking with me in person, DO NOT FRET! For I have composed an equally obnoxious written version of the same...

I went to lunch with BA on Friday. We had a great time. We really did. I sound surprised, you say? Well, yes, I was. I didn't know if we would have ANYthing to talk about. I didn't know if he would even want to talk. And, let's be honest, I didn't really know him that well. Plus, the last time (actually the only time) I saw him he was quite inebriated.

But we had a blast hanging out. We watched a movie and talked and did a little of that good kissing I am so fond of. However, while we were together Friday, lots of confusing (and annoying) thoughts came to me. You see, BA is very much NOT my type. I'm into this bad-ass thing right now and he is Grade-A Bad-Ass. No doubt about it. But I'm kind of a serious person and I evalute, re-evalute, and over-evaluate everything. So I kept getting hung up on a few things - Mystery Guy mainly. But also the fact that BA is not good for me long-term. Well, the only way to describe it is to give you an example. So here's a little sampling of the things that went through my mind:

1) Hey, it's actually fun talking to him. He is kinda sweet and sexy. Yep. Very sexy.

2) This relationship would not work for the long-term.

3) His place is a total wreck and is filled with lots of crap. I big-time freakin' hate that.

4) Man, he smells good, though.

5) Note to self: He is quite possibly the world's longest kisser.

6) He is lots of fun to hang out with.

7) I'm kinda wanting him to take my clothes off.

8) We don't really have that much in common.

9) I really like what he's doing to my lower lip right now.

10) My parents will totally freak and possibly have heart attacks if they ever meet BA.

11) I can't believe I'm doing this.

11) I wonder what Mystery Guy is doing. I've missed him this week.

12) I haven't thought about New Guy yet today...until now. Damn it.

13) I wonder if Mystery Guy is going to call me later. Gee, I hope so.

14) I shouldn't have eaten that cheeseburger for lunch.

And, that, my friends, is a journey into the depths of my brain. It is complex, yet easily confused. And it drives me CRAZY sometimes. But don't let that string of thoughts take away from the fact that BA and I really did have a good time. And the best thing about BA (other than his above-mentioned talents) is that he is an awesome communicator. No wait! I wouldn't say he's a awesome communicator. He's more of a frequent and considerate communicator. To be honest, I do most of the talking. He's a man of few words. Now, mind you, the words he picks are very, very good, well-timed, and laced with the perfect blend of sweetness and smartass.

BTW, I've been laboring for a week trying to figure out a way to convey some of the more "interesting" things BA has said to me. Alas, I don't think I can write it here because:

1) Doing so very well might take my blog to an undesirable level of smut (aka pornography).

2) You probably really don't want to know. Well, you do want to know, but trust me, you will be sorry you asked. Because -

3) Everyone I've told in person has screwed their face into an ugly mixture of shock & disgust.

Anyway, whenever BA and I are talking, I find myself wondering if he is only calling to fill the communication requisite. You know, in order to keep the door to "other things" open. But I'm trying to remind myself that I shouldn't jump to conclusions and I also shouldn't be so cynical about men. It's totally possible that he just kinda sucks at making small talk, but he is genuinely interested in calling me. And, yeah, he wants to keep "doors" open and all, but maybe he also wants to hang out and date and do all the other non-naked things people do. So I guess the bottom line with BA is that I am keeping an open mind.

And there are other things I like about him. He has a good laugh. He calls me "Baby" (love that!), and he looks me deep in the eyes. In fact, I'm pretty sure he put me into some sort of trance the other day. Perhaps that's why all I think about when I'm around him/talking to him/texting him is sex. Yep. It very well could be that he put me under some kind of spell.

But ANYWAY, onto other things... Mystery Guy did call me Friday night. Twice. We are good. I kinda, no - make that really feel guilty about going out with BA, but I'm trying to get over that. Mystery Guy and I had a good day Monday, fueled mostly by e-mail. And, oh, the email we sent! Very, very nice. We are very GREAT at the e-flirting. But y'know what we're even better at? A little thing we have perfected called the art of giving "the look." I think it's fun to give him the look when he's not really expecting it because it actually stops him in his tracks. When am blessed enough to be on the receiving end of "the look" it melts me. So we started off the week with lots of "looks," a few e-mails, a couple of long conversations, several phone calls, and a date Tuesday night.

The date was Ohhhhh. Soooooo. Good. It was well thought-out, perfectly planned (by him, not me!), and very romantic. He came prepared - surprising me with two of my favorite things: Chardonnay and M&Ms. It might sound weird to you, but HEY, I loved it. It was a date I didn't want to end. In the four hours we were together, we got a whole lot closer. And shared some stuff. We can and do talk for hours. And I realized that there are about a gazillion things about MG that top the charts. And then the date ended. So I went home and thought about the night's activities. And only got about four hours of sleep.

But it was worth it. Besides, lack of sleep is well-remedied by the consumption of caffeine and chocolate, right? So that's what I've been doing this morning. That and giving the "look." And writing e-mail. And, I'm sure you're sick of this by now...so I will give you a much-deserved break from all the obnoxious glee.

I'm going to go eat some more M&Ms and enjoy the rest of the best week E-V-E-R...


I'm SO Glad My Parents Don't Read This!

Fortunately for me, my parents do not own a computer, don't have internet access, and do not strive to ever be connected to cyberspace. This allows me the freedom of writing without the fear of either one of them actually reading this (GASP!).

My mom and dad are 69 & 70-years-old, respectively. And, you know, they're pretty cool and hip when it comes to sex. In fact, they have been at times ALL TOO OPEN about it. Like the time when my mom showed me her black teddy "by mistake." Yeah. That was NOT a good time. (I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that emotionally scarred me.)

I think my mom would be pretty down with my activities of late. They were pretty happy about my divorce. She, especially, was pleased to see me released from the prison that had become my marriage. And she's all about having a good time. The thing is, she doesn't really know how to have a good time, and thus reading some of the stuff contained in my blog would probably freak the shit out of her.

She knows how I am. She also knows what it's like to be young and single - albeit not from ever being young and/or single herself. But the woman watches a fair amount of reality TV and has thereby acquainted herself with the antics of today's young adults. And she loves it. She totally digs shows like Age of Love and The Bachelor. She is addicted to Big Brother. And part of her kinda wishes she could have partaken in that sort of stuff. Alas, she married my dad straight out of high school and they will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in October. She has been a stay-at-home mother/housewife/doting spouse her entire life and has done so without complaint or regret.

My dad, you ask? Well, let's just lay it out there - My dad is hot for an older guy. He was hot when he was younger, too. Actually, smokin' hot in his forties and early fifties. And when I was six-years-old, he left my mom for another woman. Obviously, he came back. But the real point of that was that my dad is sort of a ladies man. He is ultra-confident and loves to flirt with women everywhere. So you know he can appreciate the activities discussed in my blog. However, I am his daughter (his youngest, baby daughter) and he does NOT enjoy thinking about me and sex/dating/men in the same sentence. We are exactly alike and enjoy the same things, such as cooking, sports, talking, socializing, learning new things, and occasionally teaming up against my mom about various things. He taught me how to pitch a baseball, punt a football, read architectural drawings, schmooze with his clients, eat a Big Mac AND fries in the same sitting, solder stuff together, and play a respectable round of golf. He would take me for ice cream out of the blue, go on long bike rides with me, take me to the farm, let me hang out with him at work, and sit with me on the roof counting stars and fireflies.

We almost always have the same opinion on stuff. We can both cuss like truckers. And my dad is SMART!!!!!! When we fight it's hellacious because of that whole stubborn/headstrong/exactly alike thing. But we always get over it. He's a pretty cool dude and I tend to think he thinks I am a pretty cool gal. Nonetheless, he would SOOOOOOO NOT enjoy reading this.

So thank God they don't have internet access and wouldn't know what the heck a blog is. That way I can keep all of you up-to-date on the stuff happening with me...

Anyway, BA and I have a lunch date today. This is going to be more like an afternoon thing. I'm working half a day and then meeting up with him. I will have to update you on that later. But I spent the better part of yesterday either talking to him on the phone or text messaging him. So I will let you know how that goes...

And I did get a super great phone call from Mystery Guy last night. The kind of phone call that was all wrapped up in a big, fluffy pink heart! That was WAY AWESOME! Plus, I got to see him a little this morning. There are some major feelings there. The kind that run very deep. And he makes me feel all squishy inside (I stole that term from your blog, T!). As crazy as it is, he makes me very happy. And it's just kinda easy and comfortable with him. Like we don't have to try. Ahhh. I'm feeling very happy, comfortable and squishy. Okay - get your MIND out of the GUTTER, people! You KNOW what I mean!!!

But, again, SEE why I'm glad my parents don't read this?!?!?!?!?!?

Tattoos & Bad-Ass Dudes

It was suggested to me that I might be going through a mid-life crisis. Seriously? Do you guys think that's true?

I mean, I know it's possible (okay, probable) and I acknowledge that most people going through a MLC are also suffering from a rather obnoxious case of denial. But I'm only 31. And, look, I'm newly divorced. And I have three kids that take turns being rotten, needy, dysfunctional, and occasionally annoying. Plus I am a high-strung, high-maintenance, impatient, over-emotional type of girl. Sometimes I get PMS. I have issues with my mother. Aren't these all just ordinary types of woes?

And HEY - I have some endearing qualities, too, you know. I am sensitive, loving, determined, confident, creative, funny, and a good cook. I'm fiercely competitive which makes me a good euchre partner. I'm a talker and I like meeting new people. I'm kind to the elderly and babies. I'm an awesome babysitter and a good mother. Plus, I'm a pretty fast typist - Ha Ha.

The fact that I want a tattoo and like to date bad-ass guys is not necessarily a sign that I'm going through a mid-life or otherwise crisis. Actually, these are both things that I have wanted to do for quite some time now. The tattoo - I've wanted one for years. It took me that long to work up the courage. Plus, now that I don't have a husband telling me not to get one, I am free to do with my skin whatever I want. Bad-ass guys? I have ALWAYS L-O-V-E-D them! I can't help it. I like a guy who is, for whatever reason, a little dangerous. And that whole husband thing (yet again) kinda hindered my ability to date them.

So, I guess while I'm open to the MLC theory, I really don't think I'm having one...yet. I'm sure there will be a day. But hopefully it's a long way off. The person who suggested this to me is a coworker with whom I have the rockiest of relationships. I can't stand him actually, and I'm waiting on him to catch on. And talk about ISSUES. Geez. He has LOTS of 'em. He's thoroughly depressed about pretty much everything, is a miserable person to be around, and has morphed into a 75-year-old man living in a 27-year-old's body. He's crotchety and stubborn. Anti-social and weird. Come to think of it, his opinion is pretty much doo-doo. (Okay, I must mention that I actually laughed out loud after typing that! That was really fun and I'm going to start working that phrase into more of my posts!)

But now that I've gotten that off my chest, let's talk about fun things... Here are the links to my top three tattoo selections:

http://www.tattoojohnny.com/tattoo-design-gallery.asp?k=DWF-00120&a=&c=bw,color&s=small,medium,large&r=12&m= (THE BUTTERFLY)

http://www.tattoojohnny.com/tattoo-design-gallery.asp?k=PLF-00092&a=&c=bw,color&s=small,medium,large&r=12&m= (THE BLUE BUTTERFLY)

http://www.tattoojohnny.com/tattoo-design-gallery.asp&k=MAF-00018&a=&c=bw,color&s=small,medium,large&r=12&m= (PURPLE & BLACK SCROLLWORK)

In case the above links do not work (imagine that), the codes for the tattooes are: DWF-00120, PLF-00092, & MAF-00018. That ought to satisfy your curiosity and give you something fun to lookup.

I would post pictures of BA and New Guy, but that would be bad blogging etiquette. Obviously I can't post anything about Mystery Guy either, because DUH! it's a MYSTERY! So I guess that's all for now.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the tattoos...


If Anyone Needs Me, I'll Be at the Mall...

Hello, all. Sorry I haven't posted for a couple of days. I haven't much felt like it. Those of you who have seen me during that time understand why.

Let me use this very fine opportunity to give a huge shout-out to all you guys who have called and emailed me this week. That was really sweet of all you guys. I needed it super bad, and I'm thankful to have friends like you!

Getting back to the issue at hand...

I think I have an acute case of "Too Many Balls in the Air-itis." My little mind cannot handle it all. I decided to call New Guy on Tuesday. I gave it what I deemed an appropriate number of days in between phone calls. Besides, I had a couple of "real" reasons for calling. He had an important "thing" happening last Friday, and I wanted to call to see how that went. Plus, I had been doing a lot of thinking and had (finally) come up with some intelligible, constructive things to say about our last conversation. As you recall, my ability to communicate at the time was made difficult by all that crying stuff...

Anyway, I had it all planned out. You know, what I was going to say. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer. And waited. And waited. Because (surprise, surprise) he didn't answer. Shocking, isn't it?!? Yeah. Don't even go there. I left a calm, polite, and occasionally funny message and hung up.

I am discouraged, people. I hate this rollercoaster ride I'm on with him. It sucks! I (selfishly) need more attention than this and I am extremely impatient. And each time I call and have to leave a message, it irritates (and disappoints) the Hell out of me.

Tuesday evening, Kelly had to sit with me while I was a total whiner/sulker. Then, as we started talking about it, she got to witness my metamorphosis into a complete raving bitch. Yep. Then the waterworks started. But along the way, we made the unanimous decision that I should be DONE with New Guy. And I am. D-O-N-E. Mark. My. Words. This sucks the Big One, but it is the only way for me to keep my sanity. I will get over it. I think.

Moving onto other things... Mystery Guy and I are still on. Like I mentioned earlier, I haven't seen much of him this week. Little snippets here and there. So nothing new to report on that front...

Which might explain why I've also been talking to BA a little. Just so you know, he's not nearly as sexually explicit when he's sober. That's good, right? I must admit that I'm a little intrigued by him. He's attractive and oddly cool. In a totally bad-ass, please-come-over-here-and-strip-my-clothes-off kind of way. Okay, did I just say that? I'm sorry. What the heck has gotten into me? Nonetheless, I am intrigued enough by BA that we are trying to arrange a lunch date. So ANYWAY...

All of this juggling has brought about a sudden urge to cook and devour large quantities of comfort food. That's what I've been doing with my spare time this week. The bad thing is that for someone who's not accustomed to even eating dinner, the effects on my psyche/waistline/gastro-intestinal system have not been pretty. The good news is that I have enlisted Kelly's help with both the cooking and eating. And between you and me, she's kinda getting angry with me about it :-) At any rate, we need to put a stop to this or else she may not be my friend anymore...so it's back to Retail Therapy.

If anyone needs me, I'll be at the Mall...hopefully catching a glimpse of Hot Guess Guy and finding some good deals on sandals.