
The Best Week E-V-E-R

Okay, it's quite possible that I am having the best week E-V-E-R! And since I haven't had many good weeks lately, I am going to annoy the crap out of anyone and everyone who will listen. I will regale the masses with bubbly stories laden with giggles, smirks, evil laughter and ridiculous amounts of happiness. And for those of you who will not have the unfortunately pleasure of speaking with me in person, DO NOT FRET! For I have composed an equally obnoxious written version of the same...

I went to lunch with BA on Friday. We had a great time. We really did. I sound surprised, you say? Well, yes, I was. I didn't know if we would have ANYthing to talk about. I didn't know if he would even want to talk. And, let's be honest, I didn't really know him that well. Plus, the last time (actually the only time) I saw him he was quite inebriated.

But we had a blast hanging out. We watched a movie and talked and did a little of that good kissing I am so fond of. However, while we were together Friday, lots of confusing (and annoying) thoughts came to me. You see, BA is very much NOT my type. I'm into this bad-ass thing right now and he is Grade-A Bad-Ass. No doubt about it. But I'm kind of a serious person and I evalute, re-evalute, and over-evaluate everything. So I kept getting hung up on a few things - Mystery Guy mainly. But also the fact that BA is not good for me long-term. Well, the only way to describe it is to give you an example. So here's a little sampling of the things that went through my mind:

1) Hey, it's actually fun talking to him. He is kinda sweet and sexy. Yep. Very sexy.

2) This relationship would not work for the long-term.

3) His place is a total wreck and is filled with lots of crap. I big-time freakin' hate that.

4) Man, he smells good, though.

5) Note to self: He is quite possibly the world's longest kisser.

6) He is lots of fun to hang out with.

7) I'm kinda wanting him to take my clothes off.

8) We don't really have that much in common.

9) I really like what he's doing to my lower lip right now.

10) My parents will totally freak and possibly have heart attacks if they ever meet BA.

11) I can't believe I'm doing this.

11) I wonder what Mystery Guy is doing. I've missed him this week.

12) I haven't thought about New Guy yet today...until now. Damn it.

13) I wonder if Mystery Guy is going to call me later. Gee, I hope so.

14) I shouldn't have eaten that cheeseburger for lunch.

And, that, my friends, is a journey into the depths of my brain. It is complex, yet easily confused. And it drives me CRAZY sometimes. But don't let that string of thoughts take away from the fact that BA and I really did have a good time. And the best thing about BA (other than his above-mentioned talents) is that he is an awesome communicator. No wait! I wouldn't say he's a awesome communicator. He's more of a frequent and considerate communicator. To be honest, I do most of the talking. He's a man of few words. Now, mind you, the words he picks are very, very good, well-timed, and laced with the perfect blend of sweetness and smartass.

BTW, I've been laboring for a week trying to figure out a way to convey some of the more "interesting" things BA has said to me. Alas, I don't think I can write it here because:

1) Doing so very well might take my blog to an undesirable level of smut (aka pornography).

2) You probably really don't want to know. Well, you do want to know, but trust me, you will be sorry you asked. Because -

3) Everyone I've told in person has screwed their face into an ugly mixture of shock & disgust.

Anyway, whenever BA and I are talking, I find myself wondering if he is only calling to fill the communication requisite. You know, in order to keep the door to "other things" open. But I'm trying to remind myself that I shouldn't jump to conclusions and I also shouldn't be so cynical about men. It's totally possible that he just kinda sucks at making small talk, but he is genuinely interested in calling me. And, yeah, he wants to keep "doors" open and all, but maybe he also wants to hang out and date and do all the other non-naked things people do. So I guess the bottom line with BA is that I am keeping an open mind.

And there are other things I like about him. He has a good laugh. He calls me "Baby" (love that!), and he looks me deep in the eyes. In fact, I'm pretty sure he put me into some sort of trance the other day. Perhaps that's why all I think about when I'm around him/talking to him/texting him is sex. Yep. It very well could be that he put me under some kind of spell.

But ANYWAY, onto other things... Mystery Guy did call me Friday night. Twice. We are good. I kinda, no - make that really feel guilty about going out with BA, but I'm trying to get over that. Mystery Guy and I had a good day Monday, fueled mostly by e-mail. And, oh, the email we sent! Very, very nice. We are very GREAT at the e-flirting. But y'know what we're even better at? A little thing we have perfected called the art of giving "the look." I think it's fun to give him the look when he's not really expecting it because it actually stops him in his tracks. When am blessed enough to be on the receiving end of "the look" it melts me. So we started off the week with lots of "looks," a few e-mails, a couple of long conversations, several phone calls, and a date Tuesday night.

The date was Ohhhhh. Soooooo. Good. It was well thought-out, perfectly planned (by him, not me!), and very romantic. He came prepared - surprising me with two of my favorite things: Chardonnay and M&Ms. It might sound weird to you, but HEY, I loved it. It was a date I didn't want to end. In the four hours we were together, we got a whole lot closer. And shared some stuff. We can and do talk for hours. And I realized that there are about a gazillion things about MG that top the charts. And then the date ended. So I went home and thought about the night's activities. And only got about four hours of sleep.

But it was worth it. Besides, lack of sleep is well-remedied by the consumption of caffeine and chocolate, right? So that's what I've been doing this morning. That and giving the "look." And writing e-mail. And, I'm sure you're sick of this by now...so I will give you a much-deserved break from all the obnoxious glee.

I'm going to go eat some more M&Ms and enjoy the rest of the best week E-V-E-R...

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