
If Anyone Needs Me, I'll Be at the Mall...

Hello, all. Sorry I haven't posted for a couple of days. I haven't much felt like it. Those of you who have seen me during that time understand why.

Let me use this very fine opportunity to give a huge shout-out to all you guys who have called and emailed me this week. That was really sweet of all you guys. I needed it super bad, and I'm thankful to have friends like you!

Getting back to the issue at hand...

I think I have an acute case of "Too Many Balls in the Air-itis." My little mind cannot handle it all. I decided to call New Guy on Tuesday. I gave it what I deemed an appropriate number of days in between phone calls. Besides, I had a couple of "real" reasons for calling. He had an important "thing" happening last Friday, and I wanted to call to see how that went. Plus, I had been doing a lot of thinking and had (finally) come up with some intelligible, constructive things to say about our last conversation. As you recall, my ability to communicate at the time was made difficult by all that crying stuff...

Anyway, I had it all planned out. You know, what I was going to say. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer. And waited. And waited. Because (surprise, surprise) he didn't answer. Shocking, isn't it?!? Yeah. Don't even go there. I left a calm, polite, and occasionally funny message and hung up.

I am discouraged, people. I hate this rollercoaster ride I'm on with him. It sucks! I (selfishly) need more attention than this and I am extremely impatient. And each time I call and have to leave a message, it irritates (and disappoints) the Hell out of me.

Tuesday evening, Kelly had to sit with me while I was a total whiner/sulker. Then, as we started talking about it, she got to witness my metamorphosis into a complete raving bitch. Yep. Then the waterworks started. But along the way, we made the unanimous decision that I should be DONE with New Guy. And I am. D-O-N-E. Mark. My. Words. This sucks the Big One, but it is the only way for me to keep my sanity. I will get over it. I think.

Moving onto other things... Mystery Guy and I are still on. Like I mentioned earlier, I haven't seen much of him this week. Little snippets here and there. So nothing new to report on that front...

Which might explain why I've also been talking to BA a little. Just so you know, he's not nearly as sexually explicit when he's sober. That's good, right? I must admit that I'm a little intrigued by him. He's attractive and oddly cool. In a totally bad-ass, please-come-over-here-and-strip-my-clothes-off kind of way. Okay, did I just say that? I'm sorry. What the heck has gotten into me? Nonetheless, I am intrigued enough by BA that we are trying to arrange a lunch date. So ANYWAY...

All of this juggling has brought about a sudden urge to cook and devour large quantities of comfort food. That's what I've been doing with my spare time this week. The bad thing is that for someone who's not accustomed to even eating dinner, the effects on my psyche/waistline/gastro-intestinal system have not been pretty. The good news is that I have enlisted Kelly's help with both the cooking and eating. And between you and me, she's kinda getting angry with me about it :-) At any rate, we need to put a stop to this or else she may not be my friend anymore...so it's back to Retail Therapy.

If anyone needs me, I'll be at the Mall...hopefully catching a glimpse of Hot Guess Guy and finding some good deals on sandals.

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