
Operation Clean-Up - Status Update: 0900 Hours

Here we are at Thursday morning, and I am contemplating panicking. I didn't get very much of my cleaning list accomplished yesterday.

Here is what I've cleaned so far: the fridge, my garage, my car, the tub. This morning I cleaned the shower (while I was in it) and managed to put the rest of the laundry away.

I guess after looking at that all written down, I did get quite a few things done. And I put the kids in charge of cleaning up the basement today. So I'm good.

Except that I am sitting at work right now. And two of the kids are at home. The same two kids who are supposed to be cleaning the basement... The thing is that these are also the same two culprits that recklessly vandalize my house from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (sometimes Saturday and Sunday, too, if they get bored).

So maybe I'll give them little "reminder" calls throughout the day? Besides, their dad is picking them up tonight.

OH YEAH - I totally forgot to mention that the Ex is taking the kids for the next week. WEEK. As in seven fun-filled days AND nights!!! And all I can say about that is YIPPPPPEEEEE!!!!! (Now, don't get me wrong. I am going to miss them and everything. Their cute little faces and having mini-people to hang out with. But still.)

Come to think of it, this little piece of information probably clears up confusion over exactly HOW I am able to have this Friday night date in the first place. So, say what you will about the Ex. (No, really, go on...I don't care.) But he deserves some props this week for his willingness to spend time with kids (!!!) and for giving me a little break.

So, ANYWAY, onto the next problem. What's with all this rain? We are now on Day 3 of what I hope is NOT another 40-day flood. It's almost like we were hit by a tsunami or something. And normally rain doesn't bug me, except that it is has caused my grass to grow 7 inches this week. Which means I need to cut it - and WHEN am I going to fit THAT into the schedule?!?!?!?!

So that is where we stand at 0900 Hours. My mission today is to tackle the list head-on as soon as I get home. It's time to focus!

In the meantime, I think MG and I have lunch plans...!!! So I'm off to drink my coffee and do some real work. If anyone wants to mow my grass, let me know :-)

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