
Update, Flupdate

I totally suck at blogging. There are so many things I need to update you on and too little time. But, good news! I am going to stop procrastinating and start typing so as to get you somewhat up to speed.

First of all, my kids are back. I picked them up Sunday afternoon. And I have successfully completed 11 days of blissful, kid-free freedom! And I HAD A TOTAL BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!! But, alas, now I am back to the routine, which can be likened to returning to work after a two-week dream vacation. But, anyway.

During that 11 days of freedom, I ate what I wanted for dinner (chips & salsa, Taco Bell, and M&Ms were frequent menu items), went where I wanted (the mall, the bar, tanning, walking at midnight, etc.), and stayed up as late as I wanted and slept in as late as I wanted. I had significantly less dishes to wash and clothes to launder, no mess around the house to pick up and the freedom to blast the stereo and sit around in my underwear.

I even took a road trip home in the middle of last week!

That was SOOO fun. I went out with my friend, Carla on Wednesday night after hanging out at the old office and leaving obnoxious "I was here" notes for everyone. Wednesday night I stayed over with Yolanda and stayed up until 1 a.m. with her laughing and talking. Then I surprised my parents at lunch on Thursday before having a second lunch with the girls. After that, I visited with Toni and her beautiful kids for a couple of hours (I miss them terribly - our visit was not long enough!!!!!) before heading back down to see my parents for a while longer. Then I returned home. It was P's birthday and we had plans.

Then Saturday, I hung out with P at her pool for like 5 hours. We got a little sunburned, but who cares?!? We lathered ourselves in tanning lotion and read Cosmo and Star and People. It was sooooo fun. And then BA called. So we had a date Saturday night. A really, really awesome date.

This is unexpected, people. I don't really know how I feel about BA. I mean, he's really fun and all when we are together, but it's not the same as MG. And, well, it's just not the same. But Saturday night we had a date. He came over and we had dinner and a couple of drinks. Then we watched a movie and hung out. And I discovered the following things:

1) He's romantic and cuddly.

2) He's very, very intelligent.

3) He's quite talkative once you get to know him. In fact, I had trouble getting a word in edgewise!

4) He is super sweet.

5) We had a total blast hanging out and talking.

6) I actually really like him.

We had a date the Saturday before, too. I don't think I mentioned that... Last week, we didn't call each other until I text messaged him on Thursday. And that eventually led to Saturday. But anyway, BA actually asked me why I didn't call him all week.

W-T-F?!?!? I mean, honestly, it just didn't cross my mind to call him. That's all. But I can't really say that to him, soooo..... I instead highlighted the fact that he also did not call me... And that's when he informed me that he was testing me.

Testing me? Geezus. I SO don't need to be putting up with this. Guys are way too damn complicated. And it's pissing me off.

But I see the game he's playing here, and I can play it, too. So we went back and forth about the rules of this game and who was winning. We rightfully determined that I was the winner of round 1 - because I TM'd on Thursday. A much-deserved victory.

But while this seems like a fun little light-hearted game, it was actually quite serious. Because we talked about it several more times. He wanted to know if I missed him during the week. And how much. And he said how he was sure that he, indeed, missed me more than I missed him.

Well, okay. Oddly enough I did kinda miss him. Otherwise, I wouldn't have TM'd him. Duh. But it's not like I'm going to TELL him that.

But we went on about our date and all was well. And when he left, he was very sweet and reiterated that whole missing thing. Then he called me an hour later. And said it again.

Now, I realize I'm making this sound horrible. It wasn't. It wasn't nearly as weird, awful or creepy as I made it sound just now. And our date went so well, that I actually do miss him right now.

On Sunday, Kelly and I hit the mall (again) and did some talking. The plus side of BA being friends with Mr. K is, of course, that I get some inside scoop. Apparently, BA is intrigued, confused, and highly turned on by the fact that I do not call him. Mainly because he cannot understand why I'm not totally into him. And that drives him CRAZY NUTS.

I guess it is best summed up this way: BA is incredibly competitive and hates to lose. And he needs to know that he is Numero Uno. So when I don't call very often and don't always respond back quickly to his messages, it actually makes him want to call/see/date me more. Add to this the fact that BA knows about MG. And was told by Mr. K that he flat-out can't compete with MG. The way I understand it is that BA is bothered by this, but merely sees this as a challenge which heightens his interest. It's a caveman thing.

But anyway, the most important thing to be learned here is that I truly believe I have unlocked the mystery of the male brain and thereby uncovered the secret to dating. Don't call them and leave them on-the-hook while simulataneously dating someone who is perceivably better than them. (insert glorious sounds of rejoicing here)

Does anyone else out there agree that this is a completely ASS-BACKWARD way of going about this? Maybe I feel that way because I am a woman, and we are logical creatures. Ugh. I don't know.

BTW, Mr. K is feeling very proud of himself on this whole BA thing. He is the puppetmaster, of sorts. Turns out he totally played both of us and made us fall for each other. Mr. K told me a whole load of crap about how BA was a cold bastard who was neither interesting nor interested in having a meaningful (gasp!) relationship. Mr. K then proceeded to tell BA that I was clingy and would expect lots of stuff and would require lots of attention (okay, that might be true, but...). Mr. K didn't tell me that BA was actually very intelligent, cool, interesting, loving, and sweet. And, finally, Mr. K didn't tell BA that I was a pretty cool chick who was classy and fun and had cool stuff (BA's words, not mine).

So what a surprise we turned out to be to each other. The whole thing was explained to me last night by Mr. K himself, amid occasional bursts of laughter. He is very, very proud of himself right now. And even though I'm in love with Mr. K, I'm still fairly pissed at him right now, too.

But back to business... BA TM'd me last night - which is actually what brought about the above conversation. It was very "I miss you," and stuff. I was instructed NOT to text back. So I didn't. But I did send one today. I just cannot go along with this whole don't call me thing. Not entirely anyway. So more on how that turns out later.

Meanwhile, MG and I have been somewhat on the outs over the last week. It was kinda ugly. Yesterday we finally talked about it. Like for 2 1/2 hours. We completely cleared the air and got everything straightened out. There were some tears, but more importantly, some relief. We had let a breakdown in communication occur and a giant misunderstanding took place. But yesterday we had a very honest, open, no-holds-barred conversation that was very important. And after it was over, as we were leaving, he pulled me into him and gave me the sweetest ever make-up kiss. HE makes me all squishy inside. HE is the one I pine for and care about. And HE is the one I turn to and listen to and confide in.

So, I guess, to sum things up... My life hasn't changed all that much in the last week. Still as confusing and weird as before. And oddly enough, I like it that way. Go figure.

1 comment:

Toni said...

We miss you, too.... really.